Spring City Fellowship Spring City Fellowship
Spring City Fellowship is live
Sunday Morning Service December 1, 2024
Joel Kolb
Joel Kolb
Sunday, December 1, 2024
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Good Morning Spring City Fellowship!

Series Title: 2024 Advent
Sermon Title: Respond with Hope
Text: Romans 15:13

Our theme for 2024 is “Possessing the Land.” We began the year by saying that we want to take hold of purpose and be intentional. Now we are at advent, looking toward the coming of Christ.
I wanted to remind us again of our overall vision - the four R’s At the same time, we consider Christ’s coming in terms of the advent themes of Hope, Joy, Peace and Love. So, let’s combine those thoughts. Let’s remind ourselves of who we are called to be as we remind ourselves of who Jesus is and why He came. This is an active “taking hold of” advent.

The first three chapters of the Bible tell us, in a nutshell what the Bible is about. It shows God’s intention, the conflict of the plot and how God would eventually resolve it. The story of the Bible and of our lives is creation - fall - redemption and that is our basis for hope. Then what is left for us to consider is whether or not we recognize the pattern and respond in hope to see the process through to its conclusion.

Use our digital bulletin to follow the service: https://faithlife.com/scf-spring-city/bulletins/350580716

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Here is the link to the live stream:  https://www.youtube.com/live/SeXpnwgnt5A

Pastor Joel