Good Morning Spring City Fellowship!
Series Title: Live Like Jesus: Beatitudes
Sermon Title: The Good Life - Having Nothing to Prove
Text: Matthew 5:1-12
Our Theme for 2025 is “Live Like Jesus.” It comes out of a simple desire to follow Jesus - and to learn better what that means. Jesus casts a different vision of what life really is and how it is meant to be lived. We are going to spend this year in the gospel of Matthew. Jesus is going to turn everything you think you know about life upside down - and that is how we learn to live like Jesus.
To be meek means to be humble, gentle and calm. They don’t feel like they need to prove anything to anyone. The meek are the people we underestimate. But what they have is a quiet confidence. The Bible says that the meek are the ones who will possess the land. In their hearts, they are settled on the promises of God and so they eventually also receive those promises.
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Pastor Joel