Spring City Fellowship Spring City Fellowship
Spring City Fellowship is live
Sunday Morning Service September 15, 2024
Joel Kolb
Joel Kolb
Sunday, September 15, 2024
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Good Morning Spring City Fellowship!

Series Title: The Church Released: A Study in 2 Corinthians
Sermon Title: Released as Ambassadors
Text: 2 Corinthians 5:1-6:11

Paul’s encouragement to the Corinthian church is to not just be filled with the Spirit, but to release the Spirit. We don’t just live in spiritual reality; we bring spiritual reality to bear in every situation that we find ourselves. We carry the Presence of God with us to change the atmosphere wherever we go. We are not just people looking for a spiritual encounter, we are the church released to take the reality of the Spirit to the world.

As Christians, we should be noticeably different from the world around us, even while we blend in. Paul calls us Ambassadors - citizens of heaven but living in and representing spiritual reality in the world. We are part of God’s new creation who are working with Him to transform the old creation. So, let’s learn what is means to be “in the world, but not of the world.” We represent the Kingdom of God in this world.

Use our digital bulletin to follow the service: https://faithlife.com/scf-spring-city/bulletins/333357752

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Here is the link to the live stream:  https://www.youtube.com/live/ziHcL5kCLjM

Pastor Joel