Good Morning Spring City Fellowship!
Series Title: Possessing the Land
Sermon Title: The Fall Feasts
Text: Leviticus 23:23-43
Our theme for 2024 is “Possessing the Land” One of the things that I wanted us to do this year was to be in the moment. We should celebrate holidays and holy days as a way of being present in the times in which we live. I wanted to take time out from our series on 2 Corinthians to celebrate the fall feasts mentioned in the Bible.
These are not just Israel’s feasts; they are God’s feasts: The feast of trumpets was last week- Wednesday evening into Thursday. Yom Kippur will be this coming Friday evening into Saturday. Sukkoth will be from Wednesday October 16- Wednesday October 23. As we celebrate the feasts it is a time to reset, refresh and refocus on our relationship with God.
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Here is the link to the live stream:
Pastor Joel