
Zechariah 3:1-4:14
Visions of God's Purpose
Today we continue a new sermon series in the OT book of Zechariah called "Visions of Hope." ‌Zechariah was a priest who returned from exile to help rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. Zechariah’s visions gave the people hope that God’s ultimate purpose is to restore. His vision was not just about the second temple and the people of his day. ‌ His prophecies pointed ahead to a time when God’s Spirit would indwell His people. ‌ When the people of God would become the temple of God.
Our lives are meant to serve a purpose beyond just our own survival or our own happiness. Through the prophets Haggai and Zechariah, God is telling Joshua and Zerubbabel that He is going to do above and beyond what they can do through His Spirit working through them.‌ And not only through them, but they are just a type and a shadow of God’s ultimate purpose which He accomplished in Jesus Christ and in which we are also a part.