
1 Corinthians 16:14
Witnessing to Difficult People
This week we will cover two requests which are similar. ‌ The first is a topic suggestion- “Ways to witness to pagans who think Christianity is a cult.” ‌ The second is an actual scenario and a question - “ I took cookies to my new neighbors...a lesbian couple. What is your advice on how to continue to interact with them in the future?‌ Both topics are dealing with how, as Christians, we are to interact with a world around us that in some ways is opposite and perhaps even opposed to what we believe. ‌ How do we witness to difficult people?
To have a productive conversation, we need to first of all understand what is our role and our assignment as believers with regard to unbelievers - what does it mean to be a witness? ‌Then we need to consider how characterizing people by their sinful behavior may be contrary to God’s purpose - you know, "love the sinner but hate the sin." ‌But we also want to be agents of God’s reconciliation and redemption - which may call for different approaches in different situations. ‌In summary, there are no easy answers here, only guiding principles.